Needle felted rat Merino wool rat Soft sculpture Felt rat Miniature felt animals Natural toys Rat toys Needle felted home decor

Needle felted rat Merino wool rat Soft sculpture Felt rat Miniature felt animals Natural toys Rat toys Needle felted home decor

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Спец цена:
89.29 £
Needle felted rat / Merino wool rat / Soft sculpture / Felt rat / Miniature felt animals / Natural toys / Rat toys / Needle felted home decor The gentleman's name is Adolf. He is hanfsome, gallant and kinf-hearted. He is 5,9'' (15 cm). Adolf is made of felting wool over a wire armature to allow his arms, legs and tail to be gently posed. Made with love and care and is the perfect gift for play, story telling or decor. My felted animals are meant to be played with by children aged 3 and up.
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