Brown Okarina

Brown Okarina

Доступность: in stock 1 товаров
Код товара: #20194
Time to produce: 2 days
Предполагаемая доставка:

Спец цена:
21.25 £
Ceramic ocarina is a musical instrument, as well as an adornment and merrymaking for people of any age, and an ingenious (not a Chinese!) souvenir. Our ocarinas are fully hand-made, starting from the process of mining clay, modeling and going on to tuning and polishing with special stones. The whole process from the very beginning until the last touch of an expert takes about two weeks. In fact, only a small number of craftsmen in Europe make ocarinas in dark tones using the technique of polishing. As a musical instrument, ocarina was discovered a long time ago which is substantiated by the archaeological finds in Africa, Asia and Europe. For instance, showpieces of a Tegeranese National Museum are ocarinas dating from 2500 BC. Such instruments as antique Slavic guduhas, sopilkas and pennywhistles are related to the category of ocarinas. This instrument is used by many professional musicians in their creative work. Apart from this, an annual Ocarina Festival is held in Italy and Austria which lasts 3 days. And in 2008 the same Ocarina Festival was held in the USA for the first time. So how can be an ocarina distinguished from all the other wind instruments? The main difference is that most of the flutes are open from both of the sides and ocarina is kind of a "closed volume".
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